
I have in-depth knowledge and years of experience crafting solutions for clients across the country. I excel at problem solving and applying strategy and design to strengthen a brands unique personality. I have a wide range of experience including identity and brand, retail and environments, motion graphics and websites.

I love the design process, building client relationships and working with strategic and creative teams to develop design solutions that have lasting impact on a brand. I have played a key role as designer, design director and creative director for clients including BECU, Premera, F5 Networks, Woodland Park Zoo, Allen Institute, Downtown Seattle Association, Seattle Children’s, Portland State University, The Bravern, Escala, Radio City Music Hall, ABKCO Music & Records, National Museum of American Art, Microsoft, Russell, Wellspring, Margaret Thatcher Foundation and Zymogenetics.

When I’m not immersed in a project, you might find me tinkering with my Vanagon, riding my bike down a muddy single-track or shlepping my skis up a snow-covered ridge. I enjoy woodworking, photography, painting, music and most importantly spending time with my family.

Creative Director | Phinney Bischoff

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